Saturday, January 31, 2004

File this one

under "You Have Absolutely No Right To Complain About Your Commute": an article in today's Boston Globe online highlights a retirement fund analyst's 340-mile (round trip) daily commute from his home in Central Maine to downtown Boston via Amtrak's Downeaster train, a modern incarnation of the old B & M rail line. Now I've always wanted to live in Maine, ever since the first time I crossed the Piscataqua Bridge from New Hampshire and beheld the natural gas tank festooned with a giant red lobster welcoming me to Vacationland. But to leave home at 4:15 a.m. and get back 18 hours later, at 10:15 p.m? Oof.

Of course, I could get a lot of writing done on a commute like that...

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