Saturday, February 21, 2004


Too much politics today. Well, at least it's helping while away the hours. Here's an interesting news item, via Fark (by way of the Australian Sunday Telegraph): the British Sunday Express is reporting that U.S. Special Forces have Osama bin Laden "surrounded" somewhere in the remote badlands between Afghanistan and Pakistan, and are just waiting for the order from the President to swoop in and nab him. If true, this could mean a huge boost for the Bush Administration, which this week is registering less than 50% approval ratings in even the friendliest of polls. But supposing that it is true, why leak the story now? Is the Karl Rove spin machine so desperate for a win that it's willing to spring what many assumed would be the Bush Administration's "October Surprise" in mid-February? I know that many people in America (myself included) would consider the capture of OBL to be an absolute good, whenever it happened; but if Bushies jump the gun on this they just might derail their (re)election campaign for good, especially if the "War on Terror" ends in the minds of the American people and the daily suicide bombings and ambushes in Baghdad against our troops don't. It's hard to imagine that the Bush camp doesn't know this. Maybe that's why the order hasn't been given yet!

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