After a particularly helpful lunch with my oldest friend up in these parts, who knows about as much about the imaginary world of "Confessions" as I do, I had a solid day of writing yesterday to put me up and over the 70k milestone and close to the end of the current chapter. This was a much better ten thousand words than the last - whereas getting from 50k to 60k took me five months, 60k to 70k happened in the space of two; and the last 2500 words of that were written in just the past week! The return of a predictable teaching schedule has certainly helped me get back into a groove, as the time spent taking the commuter train back to the North Shore is the only writing time that I can absolutely, positively count on.
Well - here's to seeing 75k perhaps a lot sooner than I'd thought (at which point I will start another short story, as those ideas are really backing up now)!
Meanwhile, it's finally time for me to start shopping around my short stories. Widener has a copy of the 2004 Writer's Market, which I'm picking my way through this afternoon in search of prospective publishers. I could have sworn there used to be a lot more science fiction, fantasy, and horror magazines out there just a few years ago - a sign of the times, perhaps? Makes it easier to winnow field, I guess...
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