67k and 68k on "Confessions". Looking forward to getting myself into 70's, where the next meaningful milestone will be 75k - three-quarters of the way to a 100,000 words and hopefully the end of the book. I think I'll allow myself to start another short story when I get there, as I'm keen on not having all those ideas backing up in my head indefinitely. Right now I think I'm about to find my way out of the present chapter of the novel, after which I think the pace is going to pick up again. The headlong rush that will be the book's third act is about to begin, and I can't wait for it. The absolutely ludicrous thing about getting this far into a novel is that you really start looking forward not so much to the end of the book you're working on but the beginning of the next behemoth. I think I'll be shifting genres for novel number two, in which I'll finally get to make all those years at M.I.T. pay for themselves. Oh God, I can hear you say already. Not another collegiate Bildungsroman! But this one will be different, I swear. Mine has sex, drugs, and a capella music.
Upon further reflection I have to admit that "Confessions" also kind of fits into the coming-of-age genre, of course in a fantasy world instead of our own. Whereas many authors have that one Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man lurking inside of them, by virtue of letting my imagination create, populate, and inhabit its very own parallel universe over the past twenty years I've ended up with two - one that's almost in the bag, the other waiting patiently for its turn. What's the plural of Bildungsroman, I wonder?
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