Thursday, April 01, 2004


now I'm officially finished with my application to Simmons for library school. I discovered after getting everything thing else in (and a month early at that!) that since I was applying for the dual Masters program in Library Science and History, I would need to submit a writing sample as well. No problem, right? After all, all I do is write these days. Unfortunately when I went to look for a copy of the piece that I wanted to submit - the article I had written about Demetrios Bikelas, a Greek who became the first President of the International Olympic Committee and turned out to be a pivotal figure in the success of the 1896 Games in Athens, for The Hellenic Voice - I couldn't find it anywhere, either in hard copy or electronic form. Nor could I find any other of the pieces I had written about Greek language and culture! In the end I called the Voice and someone was nice enough to email me the original article, sparing me from having to whip something up from scratch in order to meet the April 1st deadline. I guess I could have fleshed out one of my blog entries about Byzantium or whatnot, but what I liked about the Bikelas article was that it was a genuinely historical piece, unlike most of the other stuff I've written about here, which tends towards the Classics or the Classical Tradition.

At any rate, the crisis was averted, though I'm going to have to put together a portfolio of my nonfictional writing and keep it safe somewher. In multiple copies...

There is one last thing that I need to do before Simmons makes their admissions decision - an interview with the Graduate School of Library and Information Science on April 13th - but all I can do is wait for that to happen. I've already interviewed with the History Department and came away from it not only even more psyched about the dual degree program than I had been before, but excited about making use of my Classical background in a cross-disciplinary kind of way. Already I'm thinking of possible thesis topics.

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