Saturday, October 08, 2005

Have you found Serenity?

Note: Minor spoilers ahead. Read at your own risk!

Last weekend the missus and I got a chance to see Joss Whedon's Firefly movie Serenity, and it was indeed all that and a bag of chips. Don't believe me? Then watch the first nine minutes yourself (courtesy of Universal Pictures). Just that clip alone eats Star Wars Episodes I, II, and III put together!

While reviews of the film have generally been positive, there has been a little bit of backsass from some Firefly fans over Whedon making some fairly irreversible plot decisions involving a couple of beloved characters. I won't go into details because I don't want to completely spoil things for those who haven't yet gone to see Serenity, but to me the choices Joss went with seemed to round the movie out and avoid the "serialitis" that plagues other genre films which ensures that nothing will ever really change that can't be rectified in the sequel.

Fortunately Serenity is considerably more gritty than the standard sci-fi and fantasy fare out there, so if the saga of Captain Mal Reynolds and his feckless crew is to continue it will have little choice but to lie down in the bed of continuity it made by the end of the film. In other words, I don't think they'll spend the next flick chasing down someone's katra...

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