I've managed to finish my first edit of Chapters Two and Three in Confessions. While I'm pleased to have gotten so much revision done (50 pages or so) in such a relatively short amount of time, I am starting to worry that I'm not being as cruel to myself as I should be. I suppose the real test will come when I reach the novel's second act, which even by own prior admission becomes something of a rambling mess before I'm able to tease the narrative back into a focused and coherent ending. If I don't find myself with about 10% less manuscript after editing the midsection of the book, that's when I'll begin to worry.
In the meantime I've gotten up to 6000 words on the new novel (aka "Number Two"). So far so good, though once more I'm sensing that this one won't be done in 50k, either. But I guess this is what happens when you allow yourself to fall silent at the keyboard for the better part of a decade...
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