Monday, February 05, 2007

I oughtta be in pictures

Oh, wait -- I was!

In the process of rearranging the living room I stumbled across my complimentary DVD copy of The True Story of Troy, the 2004 documentary directed by Gary Glassman in which I got some screen time as an ancient Greek scribe. While the gig mostly consisted of sitting around and freezing my ass off on an unheated sound stage south of Boston, I earned a screen credit for my laughably bad attempt to write on papyrus in black tempura paint, as well as an invitation to reprise my role in a subsequent work about the Trial of Jesus (to which I could at least bring a proper stylus and ink).

On a lark I checked to see if The True Story of Troy was in the Internet Movie Database, and lo and behold, it was! So I emailed the people who maintain the listings and told them to add me to the cast list after scrolling through the credits at the end of the DVD to double-check that I had in fact gotten proper billing for my role. And after a few weeks, I've finally made it into the database. Woo-hoo! Now all I need to do is add a resume and a head shot, just in case any of those Hollywood folk are looking for a walk-on scribe.

"Have papyrus, will travel"!

(So that's two Ready Reference sources I've managed to sneak my way into in 2006/7...)

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