Friday, February 03, 2012

Make It Happen 2012: January Recap

So the first month of 2012 has already come and gone. What do I have to show for it?

1. I've lost over 20 pounds, thanks to Weight Watchers Online and a renewed commitment to walking in the morning and getting out of the house and into the outdoors on the weekends. Not only do all of my clothes fit better, but I'm no longer plagued by sleep apnea at night, which means that these days I'm actually waking up feeling well-rested. Aside from the other obvious health benefits, a good night's sleep is probably the greatest side-effect of my weight loss thus far. I am also cooking a great deal more than I had been in 2011, not just for myself and my wife but for my daughter, who is becoming increasingly adventurous with her PKU vegetarian diet and is demanding more and more variety at the dinner table.

2. I spent some quality time with the business end of my writing- not only did I enter my novel The Librarian's Tale into the 2012 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest, but I am also selling a new short story (both online and with a print edition coming soon!) and have recently completed a revised and expanded edition of my first novel Confessions of a Gourmand. More about both of these things soon! Next up on the writing front is editing, polishing, and releasing the Varonian Nights saga on the new platform my best friend and I have set up as a fantasy portal.

3. Speaking of my writing, I have been actively working on a new short story as well as several new blog posts about the Harvard Library reorganization. Before Make It Happen 2012, I'm not sure I would have felt as confident in posting my own thoughts and opinions about what's going on here at the World's Greatest University, but I believe this crisis for all of its challenges has promoted a great deal of introspection throughout our organization as well as the rest of the library world, so I'm glad I was able to contribute meaningfully to the conversation.

Not bad for 31 days. Here's to keeping up the momentum in February and beyond!

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