Thursday, June 14, 2007

Epilogue Part 3

After a tearful reunion with my wife and daughter i received word from Jersey that my dad had also weathered the zombie storm aboard the Cape May-Lewes Ferry and was trying to locate the rest of our family amid the survivors scattered along the Shore's barrier beaches. I haven't seen a recent dispatch from my friend Jason, who was still holed up on the mainland, but I hope and pray for his safety. This morning a bunch of us are going to cross the drawbridge along the Boulevard and have a brief memorial for the dead at the World War Two monument just on the other side of the canal. Some people want to know why we'd want to do such a thing when it would be safer to have the service 'on the island' but they do not understand that choosing a place on the mainland was a declaration that despite all that happened, we would one day reclaim our planet from the undead. Already some librarian
survivors and I are talking about rescuing our lost books. All it takes is courage and a sharp ax!

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