Speaking of the Jesus Chainsaw Massacre, just out of curiosity I went back to the Gospels to see how much ink Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John spilt over the spilling of "The Christ's" blood, since after all, one of the points in common to the positive reviews of The Passion is how authentic Mel's vision was, Biblically-speaking. Well, wouldn't you know that the scourging of Christ, which takes up the lion's share of the film's action, merits less than a sentence in three of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and John), and isn't even mentioned at all in Luke.
"Pilate tries to have Jesus freed instead of Barrabas, the mob says Hell no, Pilate says I wash my hands of this, yada yada yada, next thing you know, Jesus is carrying a cross down the street with a crown of thorns on his head."
That's how the Gospels handle this, folks! They yada-yada the part that Mel Gibson has turned into a feature-length film. Now I know that we Catholics are notorious for not reading the Bible - or so goes the Protestant charge, hand in hand with the Whore of Babylon crack - but this is ridiculous...
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