Saturday, April 03, 2004

Return of the Striper.

No, that's not a typo - I'm not talking about exotic dancers (get that mind out of the gutter!), but striped bass, the migratory fish that is the preferred quarry of New England saltwater fishermen. As the frigid ocean warms up, gradually the various species of bait fish will return to Massachusetts shores, and the hungry stripers will be right on their tails. And when that happens, my brother-in-law and I will be trying to catch them; hopefully we'll have better luck than last year, when I think he and I caught no more than five fish between us. I've been keeping a watchful eye on the fishing reports - both at and Pete's Bait and Tackle, two of the best online fishing resources for my neck of the woods - and the word right now is that the stripers are in Connecticut. So it won't be long now!

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