Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Considering the fact that I've been in triage mode as far as my classes are concerned, doing my reading and paper-writing on the train -- my only captive time remaining at this point -- I'm surprised as all hell that I found myself with a little bit of time for "Confessions" on the commute yesterday and today. Act Three is underway, and I should be able to get a few more strong writing sessions in before my classes reassert themselves into my list of waking priorities.

Meanwhile, for those of you who aren't trying to do a zillion things at once, it's NaNoWriMo once again. That's short for National Novel Writing Month, which since 1999 has been getting would-be writers off of their duffs by challenging them to crank out 50,000 words or more in the space of just one month. While I've yet to make the attempt myself, NaNoWriMo and its injunction simply to write (much like Stephen King's On Writing) were definitely what inspired me at last to stop with the procrastinating and self-doubt and just do it already.

Granted, we're nine days into November, but you still have 21 to go to get to 50k. So what's your excuse?

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