Wednesday, April 12, 2006

What is that? That freaky thing?

That's right, it's a Google banner ad!

(Pardon the Kim Possible reference -- it's a favorite show of both Mrs. and Not-So-Baby-Anymore Exile)

Well, I've gone and done it: I've decided to sign up with Google AdSense and rent out my bit o' the blogosphere out to a thematically-appropriate advertiser. I figure that if I can deal with looking at ads in my Gmail account, then why not allow them on the blog as well? Back in the day Blogspot made you carry ads gratis (to the blogger, that is), so potentially getting paid for the favor is definitely an improvement! That and Google Ads have a tendency to be somewhat entertaining, as you see what the keyword algorithms try to suss out what the average reader of The Jersey Exile might want to spend his or her hard-earned money on.

And good luck with that...

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